
Exhibition & koscher Café

HaMakom (הַמָּקוֹם) is Hebrew and translates to „the place“. In a former gatehouse in the middle of Plagwitz, HaMakom is a place of Jewish life, encounters and working through the personal past.

Opening Hours

Wednesday 3 pm–6 pm

Thursday 3 pm–6 pm

Saturday 11 am–4 pm

*Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to make an appointment for a visit or a guided tour (also outside our opening hours)


Under the title „Uncovering, Discovering, Breaking the Silence“, the formerly mobile exhibition became a permanent exhibition with the HaMakom in October 2022. It begins with the section on Jewish life in Leipzig, which is presented in the HaMakom’s kosher café. The next room highlights the historical roots and characteristics of anti-Semitism, followed by a section on the history of the Holocaust in Leipzig. The area with the theme „Family Truths“ shows the way of dealing with the Nazi past in the German public, as well as on a personal, family level. Finally, the „March of Life“ movement is presented with its worldwide development, which arose from this special form of dealing with the past and in this way sets a sign against modern anti-Semitism and for Jewish life and for Israel.


Our kosher café is open during all opening hours. In the friendly seating area you can enjoy freshly brewed coffee and different kinds of delicious cakes. The HaMakom Café has an officially recognized kosher certification for all the food offered.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to make an appointment for a visit or a guided tour (also outside our opening hours).


Would you like to stay informed about interesting events at HaMakom or news about the exhibition? Then sign up for our newsletter!


You are welcome to support us with a donation for the project. The costs for the interior construction and furnishings amounted to around 50,000 €, about half of which is currently covered by donations. In addition, we would like to expand our exhibition with multimedia in the future, translate it into different languages and offer events around the topics of Jewish life, anti-Semitism and reappraisal.


Recipient: Christlich-soziale Dienste TOS Leipzig e.V. 

IBAN: DE62 8609 5604 0307 7979 17 


If you would like to receive a donation receipt at the beginning of next year, you can add your name and address in the reason for payment or write us a seperate message.